Tag Archives: south africa



I’ve been home for a month now. I love home. I love travelling too. I’d love to go back to Dubai for next winter.

However, there are tons of other places I’d also love to visit, and that’s the topic for this month’s  Top Ten Tuesday here at www.chattrisse.com . . .


1. Belize

Just because. The idea got lodged in my head while I was in university . . . I legit don’t even remember how . . . and it hasn’t gone away.



Honeymoon destination?


2. Paris

This is thanks to The Devil Wears Prada. My mom and I started planning a trip there once, but we ended up going to Costa Rica instead.



I am hoping I can find extremely chic clothing at a reasonable price, and that my French isn’t too Canadian.


3. St Lucia

Pretty much any gorgeous tropical destination is a win in my book. But it would be nice to catch the St Lucia Jazz Festival, go snorkelling or scuba diving and then drive through a volcano (faster getaway in case Mount So-and-So decides to heat up).



And since the St Lucians I’ve met are all awesome, I’m looking forward to meeting more of them!


4. Brazil

Mom and I were once asked if we were Brazilian, and we were extremely flattered — maybe the genuine Brasilianas (did I do that right?) can teach me a thing or two when I get there!



Clearly I’m missing the party that is World Cup 2014, but hey, surely that means the airfare is about to drop. And speaking of the World Cup . . .


5. South Africa

I’ve been reading about freedom fighters since I was a kid, so naturally I want to see this place for myself. I do not, however, want to hear any vuvuzelas, please and thanks. My friend Shane, from Cape Town, has piqued my interest with his descriptions of safaris and beach house rentals, and malva pudding is like one of my favourite desserts now, so off I go!


Me and Shane!


Random fact: when I followed my dad’s lead and selected an African name, the first time around, I chose Zenzele, which is South African.


6. Way Up North

The aforementioned Shane wants to visit Canada in the winter (crazy man), since he’s never experienced bone-chilling cold before. I’m okay skipping the weather, but I do want to go somewhere far enough north to see the Northern Lights.



I would have caught them at summer camp one year except that the clouds conspired against me (just as they have for so many meteor showers); and watching Frozen recently reminded me of how much I want to see that beautiful sight for myself.


7. Trinidad Carnival

I see this as a different destination from Trinidad at any other time of year. I really wanted to be there for Carnival this year, since it fell on my birthday. But going during a year when it doesn’t (which is pretty much every year) will just mean stretching my birthday out over a matter of weeks.



Or months. I’m okay with that.

8. Italy

For the food. For some authentic tiramisu. For some amazing pasta. If I’m lucky, my friend Davide will be home when I go and he’ll cook me a huge meal . . .

Davide =)

Davide =)

he might even convince me to turn away from my usual fruity cocktails and enjoy some wine instead.


9. Singapore

This got lodged in my head while I was visiting Mom in Abu Dhabi once, and shortly afterward I got very excited by the possibility of living there for a year while performing as Nala in The Lion King on stage there.



Neither that trip nor that role have happened for me yet, but both are still kicking around in my brain . . .

10. Indonesia

This entry is highly influenced by my recent stint in Dubai.



My bandmates both love Indonesia and couldn’t stop raving about it; if my three new Indonesian friends Adit and Rio and Oka are any indication of the general population, the country is full of amazingly friendly people; and Indonesia was strongly recommended, along with Singapore, by a GTAer I met during my final days there who’s been travelling for ten years.

Honorable mentions go to Sweden, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, the Maldives, Malta, and Monaco; and I’d love to take a coast-to-coast trip across Canada too.

Guess I better start packing.  =)

Are any of these places on your bucket list too?  Have you been to any of them already? Is there somewhere I didn’t name that you think I absolutely HAVE to visit?